Care Communities

So you can find the help you need,
The Koewler Law Firm offers this directory of Care Communities.

At this time, the list of nursing homes and assisted living communities includes Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit, and Wayne counties in Ohio.

Type an address or zip code into the search box below,
and choose a type of community.
The the map will show nursing homes or assisted living communities nearby.
(Please ignore the flag in Kansas.  Until you enter a location to
start the search, Kansas is often the search box’s default location.)

If any information is incorrect, or if something is left out,
please let me know through the contact page.

Medicare and the State of Ohio provide information comparing care communities

Medicare’s “Nursing Home Compare” website

Ohio’s Long Term Care Consumer’s Guide

This information is provided to further the mission of
The Koewler Law Firm
Protecting Seniors and People with Special Needs

For help with long term care, with deciding how to deal with chronic illness,
or with planning for someone with special needs, 

call Jim, or contact him through this website.

(The program sometimes has problems in Internet Explorer and Safari. Sorry.)

The Google Maps API key in Store Locator Plus® has not been set. Please add one or use the Store Locator Plus® SaaS Edition to avoid the Google API license fees and headaches.

Enter an address or zip code and click the find locations button.

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